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[Graph program基于虹膜的模式识别VC源码

Description: 基于虹膜的模式识别的源码-iris based pattern recognition source code
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 贝叶斯分类器的C++源码,用IRIS作类例子,通俗易懂,适合作模式识别、图像处理研究开发用!-Bayesian classifier C source code, using IRIS category for example, easily understood and suitable for pattern recognition, Image processing research and development with!
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph RecognizePicEva3.2

Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: lizhih | Hits:


Description: 虹膜识别 基于 ARM的 嵌入式 自动追踪眼睛 识别虹膜-Iris Recognition Based on ARM embedded automatically track eye iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 293888 | Author: 刘言 | Hits:

[2D GraphicmySnake-2

Description: 基于动态轮廓模型的虹膜定位,在数字图像中虹膜位置的有效定位是虹膜识别的关键问题,与常见的定位方法相比,文中的方法速度快、精度高,而且,对瞳孔初始的伪圆心要求不高,鲁棒性更强-Contour model based on dynamic positioning of the iris, in the digital image of the iris position Effective positioning is the key to iris recognition problem, with the common positioning methods, the text of the method is fast, high precision, but also on the initial pseudo-pupil center do not ask for much, more robust
Platform: | Size: 270336 | Author: 姜浩 | Hits:


Description: 提出一种基于多纹理特征融合的新颖虹膜识别方法。该方法对虹膜图像做Gabor 小波变换 提取不同分辨力不同方向下的纹理特征作为虹膜的全局特征,在滤波后的子窗口图像上运用灰度 级共现矩阵(COM)提取虹膜的局部特征。通过加权欧几里德距离和最小距离分别对全局特征和局部 特征进行分类识别。-A texture feature fusion based on multi-novel iris recognition method. The method of iris image make Gabor wavelet transform extracted under different resolution in different directions as the texture feature of the overall characteristics of the iris, in the post-filter sub-window image using gray level co-occurrence matrix (COM) of the local feature extraction of the iris. Through the weighted Euclidean distance and minimum distance, respectively, on the global features and local features for classification.
Platform: | Size: 770048 | Author: 闫慧 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: mtps | Hits:


Description: libsvm支持向量机,用于识别分类。本程序成功用于虹膜识别的研究。是嵌入matlab的C程序-libsvm support vector machine, used to identify classification. The success of this procedure for iris recognition research. Is embedded in the C program matlab
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 张顺利 | Hits:

[Special Effectsfingerprint+Eye

Description: 包含指纹识别(VC6.0)和虹膜识别(VS2005),均为C++编程,已经调试通过,有较强的参考价值-Includes fingerprint recognition (VC6.0) and Iris Recognition (VS2005), both C programming, debugging has been passed, have a stronger reference value
Platform: | Size: 1528832 | Author: wang0744 | Hits:


Description: 在数字图像中虹膜位置的有效定位是虹膜识别的关键问题。用一种基于主动轮廓线模型的方法定位虹膜的位置,先用灰度投影法检测出瞳孔内的一点作为瞳孔的伪圆心,该圆心只要能落在瞳孔内部即可。然后以该伪圆心为中心,在其周围等角度间隔地取N个点作为初始的snake基准点,按照snake 的运行机制不断进化,直到虹膜的内边界为止。最后,计算进化后的snake形心和snake上的控制点与该形心的距离,取其平均值作为瞳孔的半径,动态轮廓模型的形心作为瞳孔的圆心,即可准确定位出虹膜内边界的位置。实验表明,与常见的定位方法相比,文中的方法速度快、精度高,而且,对瞳孔初始的伪圆心要求不高,鲁棒性更强。-Digital image of the iris in the location of the effective positioning of the key issues of iris recognition. With a model based on the active contour method of positioning the location of the iris, the first gray projection method used to detect the pupil as the point of the pseudo-pupil center, the center of a circle as long as it can fall within the pupil. And then to the pseudo-center as the center, in terms of their spacing around the N points to get the snake as the initial reference point, the operating mechanism in accordance with the snake continued to evolve until the border until the inner iris. Finally, after calculating the evolution of snake and snake-shaped heart of the control point on the centroid distance, choose the average as the radius of the pupil, the dynamic contour model of the centroid as the center of pupil can be an accurate positioning within the borders of the iris position. The experimental results show that the position with common methods, the methods o
Platform: | Size: 1764352 | Author: 侯汶杉 | Hits:

[Graph program45666028irisVCcode

Description: 虹膜识别源码 能够直接实现 很不错的 希望大家一起学习 一起进步-Iris recognition can be a direct source of hope to achieve very good progress, with everyone learning together
Platform: | Size: 7042048 | Author: guihaitian | Hits:


Description: 虹膜识别的相关论文 个人觉得非常有用 希望大家一起分享-Iris recognition is very useful personally feel that the relevant papers want to share with everyone
Platform: | Size: 4764672 | Author: 高薪茹 | Hits:

[Video CaptureC_V

Description: 本程序采用半隐式方案实现变分水平集图像分割方法中的 “C-V”模型(Active contour without edge) -Iris Recognition based on Active Contours
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zeshuai18 | Hits:


Description: 指纹识别、虹膜识别、生物特征识别的c语言实现。-Fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, biometric identification of the c language.
Platform: | Size: 33136640 | Author: tanliguo | Hits:


Description: 1.GeometricContext文件是完成图片中几何方向目标分类。 参考文献《Automatic Photo Pop-up》Hoiem 2005 2 GrabCut文件是完成图像中目标交互式分割 参考文献《“GrabCut” — Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts》 C. Rother 2004 3 HOG文件是自己编写的根据HOG特征检测行人的matlab代码 4 虹膜识别程序是下载的一个通用的虹膜识别程序,可以运行 5 GML_AdaBoost_Matlab_Toolbox是一个很好用的adaboost matlab工具箱 6 libsvm-mat-2.91-1 是用C编写的改进的SVM程序,代码质量很高,提供了matlab接口 7 SIFT_Matlab 是编写的利用sift特征进行的宽基线匹配,代码质量高 8 FLDfisher 是利用fisher 线性降维方法进行人脸识别-1.GeometricContext file is complete the picture in the geometric direction of target classification. References " Automatic Photo Pop-up" Hoiem 2005 2 GrabCut the target file is an interactive segmentation of image reference " " GrabCut " - Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts" C. Rother 2004 3 HOG documents prepared under their own HOG Characteristics of pedestrian detection matlab code 4 iris recognition process is to download a general iris recognition program, you can run 5 GML_AdaBoost_Matlab_Toolbox is a good use of adaboost matlab toolbox 6 libsvm-mat-2.91-1 is written in C to improve the SVM procedures, code of high quality, provides a matlab interface to 7 SIFT_Matlab is prepared for the use of sift features a wide baseline matching, the code is the use of high quality 8 FLDfisher fisher linear dimension reduction method for face recognition
Platform: | Size: 6918144 | Author: 张数 | Hits:

[Special Effectsiris-recognition

Description: 虹膜识别预处理论文 计算机本科毕业论文 包含: 演示ppt,论文(18 553字),可运行源代码(vc++6.0,有效代码5000行以上),虹膜演示图片(2张) 论文的简介: 从普通的bmp中提取虹膜图像并展开成正方形的虹膜图像,没涉及到识别内容, 论文围绕如何定位虹膜和展开虹膜进行论述,包含C++源代码. 特别声明: 本论文仅供参考,请勿随意抄袭和拷贝,让做这方面论文的同学提供第一手资料,避免 走很多同样的弯路.-Paper pre iris recognition. Doc
Platform: | Size: 1623040 | Author: fred | Hits:

[Special Effectsiris-ppt

Description: 虹膜识别预处理论文 计算机本科毕业论文 包含: 演示ppt,论文(18 553字),可运行源代码(vc++6.0,有效代码5000行以上),虹膜演示图片(2张) 论文的简介: 从普通的bmp中提取虹膜图像并展开成正方形的虹膜图像,没涉及到识别内容, 论文围绕如何定位虹膜和展开虹膜进行论述,包含C++源代码. 特别声明: 本论文仅供参考,请勿随意抄袭和拷贝,让做这方面论文的同学提供第一手资料,避免 走很多同样的弯路.-Pretreatment of iris recognition computer undergraduate thesis papers include: presentation ppt, paper (18,553 words), can run the source code (vc++6.0, more efficient code, 5000 lines), the iris shows pictures (2) Introduction to the paper: From bmp common iris image and start extracting the iris image into a square, not related to identifying the content, the paper started on how to locate the iris and iris were discussed, including C++ source code. Special: This paper is for reference only, Please do not copy and copy paper so that the students do this to provide first-hand information, to avoid taking many of the same detour.
Platform: | Size: 704512 | Author: fred | Hits:

[Special Effectsirris-vcPP

Description: 虹膜识别预处理论文 标准计算机本科毕业论文格式 包含: 演示ppt,论文(18 553字),可运行源代码(vc++6.0,有效代码5000行以上),虹膜演示图片(2张) 论文的简介: 从普通的bmp中提取虹膜图像并展开成正方形的虹膜图像,没涉及到识别内容, 论文围绕如何定位虹膜和展开虹膜进行论述,包含C++源代码. 特别声明: 本论文仅供参考,请勿随意抄袭和拷贝,让做这方面论文的同学提供第一手资料,避免 走很多同样的弯路. -Pretreatment standard computer iris recognition undergraduate thesis paper format include: presentation ppt, paper (18,553 words), can run the source code (vc++6.0, more efficient code, 5000 lines), the iris shows pictures (2) briefing paper : extracted from ordinary bmp iris image and iris image is expanded into a square, not related to identifying the content, the paper started on how to locate the iris and iris were discussed, including C++ source code. Special: This paper is for reference only, do not freely copied and copied, so do the students study in this area provide first-hand information on many of the same detour to avoid the walk.
Platform: | Size: 833536 | Author: fred | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeIrisRecognition

Description: 虹膜识别的C++代码,有良好的图形界面和鲁棒性-Iris recognition of C++ code, has a good graphical interface and robustness
Platform: | Size: 14765056 | Author: 焦春雨 | Hits:


Description: 学习模式识别时候,会用到C均值处理一些数据。其中处理Iris数据是一个典型的问题,本例子由本人编写,为了完成其数据的分类。总共150个4维数据,将它分为三类。每个数据原归属于三类。-Learning pattern recognition when used C-means to deal with some data. Which deal with Iris data is a typical problem, the examples of which I am writing, in order to complete its data classification. A total of 150 4-dimensional data, and it is divided into three categories. Each data of the original vesting in three categories.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 冯嘉贲 | Hits:
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